MPP Degree Salary & Career Outlook
If you are studying towards an MPP (Master in Public Policy) degree, you are likely to have a desire to serve the needs of the general public. As an MPP graduate, you can find employment in local government agencies, nonprofit organizations, consultancy firms, international organizations, and more. You will work as a government consultant, social entrepreneur, policy analyst, and so on. Your goal is to solve the most pressing issues the world is facing, by using your skills and knowledge in finance, management, quantitative analysis, economics, and more, and using those to find solutions to social issues.
MPP degree holders focus on resolving any issues in society that exist today, or that could appear later. Because of the importance of the work that they do, they are also highly compensated. Below are just some of the positions you could consider:.
#1 Policy Analyst
Policy analysts are responsible for changing, adjusting, and implementing new laws, regulations, and public policies. They often work for non-government or government organizations, and lobby to have existing policies adjusted. More and more commonly, MPP graduates can even hold these positions in for-profit organizations, helping businesses to stimulate political action and regulation in ways that favor them.
Common tasks of a policy analyst are:
- To review, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of legislation and policy, determining their strengths and weaknesses and how these impact society
- To work with stakeholders in order to document and understand viewpoints, concerns, and needs
- To integrate, analyze, gather, and report on qualitative and quantitative data
- To create new policy reports in which information is synthesized by displaying evidence to the benefit of constituents
According to, a policy analyst has a median annual salary of $55,500.
#2 Research Analyst
Research analysts are responsible for the careful examination of available data, and translating this into meaningful information for stakeholders. This means looking at data to find meaning, and also checking to ensure that the data is correct, and validating theories and ideas through it. When research analysts are not verifying or examining new information, they are busy evidencing what they have learned and how these lessons can benefit businesses or public policies.
Common tasks of a research analyst are:
- To use a range of sources to analyze and research topics
- To analyze quantitative data after collection
- To write and present results
- To interview team members, clients, and other stakeholders to identify information deliverables and needs
A research analyst has a median annual salary of $52,609, according to
#3 Nonprofit Organization Program Manager
Nonprofit organization program managers deal with an organization’s projects to make sure they meet their stated goals. They put quality control measures in place through quantitative and qualitative methods, including through the management of staff, budgets, intended final products, and activities. Furthermore, they work with everyone in the organization, from managers to volunteers. This means they have to be able to explain information even to those who aren’t trained in certain tasks. Their greatest concern is to ensure that desired outcomes are being met, and to showcase how this is in line with the nonprofit organization’s overall motives. They achieve this by monitoring the organization, its activities, the costs of events, and so on, and making modifications as and when required.
Typical duties of a nonprofit organization program manager are:
- To manage the full administration of the program within the organization that they are responsible for.
- To collaborate with other stakeholders to support goal achievement.
- To oversee the management and training of volunteers and other staff.
A recent report has shown that nonprofit organization program managers have a median annual salary of $49,346.
#4 Management Consultant
Management consultants are charged with helping the business improve on areas, such as public image, management, and overall productivity. They will come in to see what issues exist, what issues could appear, and what their consequences could be, after which they will attempt to help these be overcome.
Common tasks of a management consultant are:
- To create, advise on, and implement new strategies for improvements
- To research, analyze, and model new efforts within the business
- To train others on better development processes
A management consultant has a median annual salary of $85,771, according to a report.
#5 Research Associate
Research associates are responsible for the discovery of new things. They can work in a variety of companies, which will greatly drive the type of research that they will undertake. Overall, they do reasonably similar things, often working for archaeological excavations, scientific labs, medical related companies, and pharmaceutical companies, where they conduct extensive trials and other forms of research. They also sometimes work as consultants, coming in when cases are presented in which scientific evidence is required. Alternatively, they may be called in to universities to assist with the completion of a study. They may also lecture students on the processes and findings, create scientific documents, write in scientific journals, and more. has reported that the median annual salary of a research associate is $49,832.
#6 Data Analyst
Data analysts are responsible for translating data on a certain topic into an easy to understand language. They usually start by surveying certain subjects, finding participants to gather the information they require. They then interpret the data that they have collected and create reports and charts to present their findings. More and more commonly, data analysts create online surveys and reports.
Common data analyst tasks are:
- To collect data, analyze it, and report on it
- To find new data sources and new methods of collecting data to improve processes of collecting, and also of analysis and reporting
- To understand the needs of customers, find out which technical barriers are in place, and to formulate reports that can translate the collected data
The median annual salary for a data analyst is $57,986, according to
#7 Operations Project Manager
Operations project managers are charged with the overall responsibility of a project so that it moves in the right direction. They communicate with their team, and also with other teams in the organizations including senior management teams. They are highly organized people who comply with tight deadlines. They also have to be excellent report writers, keeping stakeholders up to date on developments, as well as needing extensive financial skills to keep a project within budget. As part of their role, they will attend regular meetings in which they will update others on the progress of the project. Furthermore, they consult with clients to ensure the direction of the project is properly understood.
Common tasks of an operations project manager are:
- To make sure projects are successfully completed on time and within budget, to the specifications of the client
- Communicating with external and internal stakeholders on the progress of the operation and to receive and implement feedback.
- To lead various teams to ensure projects are handled appropriately
A recent report has shown that the median annual salary of operations project managers is $70,512.
Completing an MPP degree offers the opportunity to take on a range of interesting and highly paid positions, across a wealth of organizations and in a variety of different roles. The job also offers high levels of personal reward, as it offers an opportunity to make positive changes in society. The MPP is a fantastic opportunity for career advancement.
Master of Public Policy (MPP) Degree Average Salary. (2017, Jul. 22). Retrieved from
Where do MPA/MPP graduates work? What do they earn? (n.d.). Retrieved from