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Since 1980, the Number of U.S. Jobs Requiring More Education, Experience, and Training Have More Than Doubled Than Jobs Requiring Less Preparation
68% increase in jobs requiring more preparation
- Strong social skills are even more critical to finding a career than hard skills
- 83% increase in jobs needing strong interpersonal, management, or communication skills
- 77% increase in jobs needing strong analytical skills, like critical thinking or computer skills
- Yet, Americans are still skeptical that college is the way to prepare for the working world
- 16% of adults think a bachelor’s degree prepares students “very well”
- 21% think it prepares students “not too well”
- 8% believe it prepares students “not well at all”
72% of people believe that individuals bear most of the responsibility for acquiring the skills to succeed in the job market
- Having a Strong Personality Is Just as Important as the Right Education
- Did you know that the top 5 things employers look for have almost nothing to do with your degree
- Leadership—80.1%
- Being a great team player—78.9%
- (Written) communication skills—70.2%
- Problem solving—70.2%
- (Verbal) communication skills—68.9%
- But some companies are still known for snatching up the brightest minds from the “best” colleges
- > 95% of Facebook employees went to a top 200 US college
- > 80% of Google employees went to a top 200 school
- > 70% of Morgan Stanley employees went to a top 200
- > 60% of Microsoft employees went to a top 200 school
- Did you know that the top 5 things employers look for have almost nothing to do with your degree
So, how do you show employers you have the “It” factor?
- It’s Never Been More Important to Find the Right Fit
- Before you get the job
- Do your Company Culture homework
- 64% of Millennials would rather work for a company for 40K that they believe in, than for 100K at a job they find boring
- 70% of employees who lack confidence in senior leaders say they aren’t fully engaged in their work
- Finding a place you love will pay off in the long run
- Make a killer resume that can’t be ignored
- ~250 resumes are submitted for every corporate job opening
- Only 4-6 will be interviewed
- Only 1 will be offered the job
- Interview the interviewer
- 33% of interviewers know within 90 seconds if they would hire the applicant due to non-verbal cues
- 47% of interviewers say applicants have little to no knowledge about the company
- Demonstrate your personality by asking relevant questions know and showing the company is a great fit for you
- Whistle while you work
- Be known for something specific
- Meeting the standards isn’t enough—go above and beyond expectations
- Having a personal touch or specific skill will get you noticed and move you ahead
- Make your own side project
- Excelling at a personal endeavor that helps your company shows you’re an innovator
- Building a personal “unique selling proposition” will make you indispensable to your workplace
- Work harder than everyone else
- Very few people work as hard as they possibly can
- Working harder than everyone else is the easiest way to get ahead
- Be known for something specific
- Do your Company Culture homework
- Before you get the job
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